Winter Skincare

January is a time for renewal and growth. Unfortunately it’s also a time of dry, flaky, chapped skin and lips. Since it’s a cold blustery January day here in the desert of New Mexico, I’m going to talk about these problems and how to get a little relief.

Winter here in the desert is pretty dry for the most part. This dry environment can play a major role in why our skin is so dry and flaky in the colder months. This can be helped by using gentle exfoliation. Gentle exfoliators can help slough off dead skin cells and leave the skin feeling cleaner and smoother. Some examples of gentle exfoliants that we use at Bubbly Body Shoppe are sugar, poppy seeds, and jojoba beads. Sugar is gentler than salt for exfoliation, and it breaks down the layers of dead skin cells and smoothes the surface of the skin. Poppy seeds are gentle yet very effective exfoliators. They are mild enough for everyday use, gentler than sugar on your face, and they help remove excess oil and grime on your skin. Jojoba beads are natural, very gentle exfoliators that roll across the skin and remove dead skin cells. They tend to work well with more sensitive skin.

Moisturizing is also important during the winter months. After your shower, pat yourself down with a towel and immediately apply a thicker moisturizer than you would in the warmer months. This can help seal in the moisture. Balms with natural oils are also good moisturizers and help your skin soak up those skin loving oils during the winter. Avocado oil and sweet almond oil help with itchy and dry skin because they are great for hydrating and moisturizing. Almond oil is rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids which help with hydration. Avocado oil has anti-inflammatory properties and it is rich in Vitamin E and potassium which can help rejuvenate the skin.

For help with your dry skin this winter, check out our scrubs, lotions, and balms and you could find some products to help you with your itchy, flaky dry skin. And don’t forget to check out our lip balm with shea butter to help those pesky chapped lips. Stay warm everyone!


Soap Is A Wash-Off Product. NOT A Miraculous Drug!


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